Uniforms Available at DiGiulio’s
Uniforms Lists Below for K-8th (Pre-K wears Gym Uniforms)
Navy blue uniform dress slacks and thin solid black belt.
Light Blue shirt (long or short sleeves).
Uniform Tie
Black shoes (regulation only) - laces and no mark soles.
Regulation sweater vest - navy blue with SCHOOL LOGO.
Hair neatly trimmed (NO EXAGGERATED STYLES)
Staff shirts (optional) - St. George School Staff Shirt may be worn until November, and
from April until the end of the school year.
Watch, ring, religious medal may be worn. No other jewelry.
Regulation Gym T-shirt with Navy Shorts or Sweatpants for Gym.
No sneakers may be worn at any time except during gym class.
Requlation school jumper/Grades K to 4 - worn to the knee or longer.
Light Blue blouse (long or short sleeve).
Navy blue socks (knee high).
Skort/Grades 5 to 8
V-neck sweater vest - Grades 5 to 8
St. George School Staff Shirt - Grades 5 to 8 (dates same as boys)
Dark blue saddle shoe (regulation only, no mark soles).
Hair - neat styles (NO EXAGGERATED STYLES).
Watch, ring, religious medal may be worn and only one earring per ear, no
bigger than a quarter.
No make-up or colored nail polish.
No decorations of any kind are to be worn on the uniform unless special
permission has been given to do so. This would include buttons, stickers, etc.
Regulation Gym T-shirt with Navy Shorts or Sweatpants for Gym.
No sneakers may be worn at any time except during gym class.
Uniforms and school shoes may be purchased at the following store:
DiGiulio’s School Uniforms & Shoes
6948 Frankford Avenue
5904 Torresdale Avenue
All boys and girls are to be in complete uniform every day. If for some irregularity or emergency reason the uniform cannot be worn, a written excuse must be presented to the classroom teacher and forwarded to the School Office.